The Future of Cities & Urban Sustainability Lab is an exhibition space and urban room located in Downtown Troy, NY. 

The FOCUS (Future of Cities & Urban Sustainability) Lab is a dynamic, interactive exhibit space that showcases sustainable urban design solutions. The Lab is run by the Future of Small Cities Institute in connection with an ongoing partnership of non-profit organizations, higher ed institutions, municipal government agencies, childhood STEM advocates and the general public to build greater public engagement with the benefits of sustainability and smart community design.

The Lab offers an unfolding series of exhibitions on the sustainable, livable city beginning with an exhibit on Hudson Waterfronts (Spring 2022), followed by “Main Streets Resurfaced” (Winter ‘22-23). A parralel series of events will accompany each exhibition. The exhibits will be designed and built in partnership with students from Rensselaer Polytechnic and other higher ed institutions.

The FOCUS Lab is also a meeting and educational space, and an “urban room” for the City of Troy where citizens can be in dialogue with their city and engage with future building projects. Through a partnership with the Children’s Museum at Saratoga, the Lab will feature a children’s exhibit space and classroom and offer school programming for local students around sustainability, ecology, and urban planning.

The FOCUS Lab closed in Fall 2023.


The space is designed to:

Our Partners


Our Sponsors

The Lab is sponsored by the generous support of the City of Troy CRC, the Center for Architecture, Science and Ecology, Siemens, Hudson River Maritime Museum, National Grid, The Community Foundation, The McCarthy Charities, The Howard & Bush Foundation, and donors like you!


 Where are we?


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